What is pluginplug.io and how does it work?
pluginplug.io is a price comparison service for audio production plugins. We collect price information for almost 3000 products in over 90 shops and display it back to our users, so they can make an informed purchase decision and never overpay for any plugin. We also have a price alarm feature where we send you an e-mail as soon as the price for a specific product drops below your set threshold.
Our mission is to depict the entire online market for audio plug-ins as accurately as possible. While we are affiliated with some shops, our main goal remains providing our users with the best deals available.
How does the price alarm feature work?
When you set a price alarm on pluginplug.io and verify your e-mail, we create an account for you. You can set as many price alarms as you want and we will notify you via e-mail as soon as the product price drops below the threshold you have set.
The price displayed on pluginplug.io doesn't match what I see in the shop. Why?
A lot of the shops we link to have different pricing systems for different countries. This usually happens due to tax regulations and/or currency exchange rates. We display the prices that U.S.-based customers see when visiting each shop. That being said, our system is not perfect and mistakes can happen. If you find a displayed price that is wildly off, let us know at info@pluginplug.io !
Why can't I find a specific product?
The audio software market is always expanding at a rapid pace. We are committed to growing our catalog, but if you want to see a specific product added to pluginplug.io, let us know at info@pluginplug.io !
How up-to-date arethe listed prices?
We update all price data every 12 hours.
Who is running pluginplug.io?
We are two music producers from Germany. You can find out more at the About Us page.
How does pluginplug.io make money?
Some of the links we display are affiliate links, which means we get a commission when you make a purchase after clicking on one of our links. You never pay extra and we are 100% committed to always showing you the best deal, whether it's happening in an affiliated shop or not.